This is Farewell by Pinky Agnew


Readings and Meditations on death and dying - Pinky is a celebrant, author and speaker based in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. As a Funeral Celebrant, she helps grieving people farewell their loved ones. She also often supports people as they prepare for their own death.

As she works with people at these difficulty times, Pinky turns to poets, authors and philosphers to help give words of comfort and empowerment. Through this work, she has gathered this beautiful collection of poems, readings and meditatiions. This is Farewell honours the dead and offers reflections on death and dying to help the living along the path towards the end of their life story.

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The Heart and soul of Celebrancy by Sally Cant - Ceremony has the capacity to unify and heal. Being a successful celebrant requires having a rare blend of business sense, professionalism, and a genuine emotional bond with those needing your services. Sally shows with insight, compassion and a business-like approach, how to develop these qualities. Sally offers very specifically, practical, step-by-step examples of how to conduct weddings, funerals, and other ceremonies. She also gives of her own warmth and love of working with people at those times in life when they want to celebrate a special occasion


Every Celebrant needs to read this book, learn from it, and appreciate all that it offers. It's easy to read and refer to and full of excellent advice, written by a consummate practitioner, celebrant, and teacher. Thank you Sally for this truly wonderful gift to the very special profession of celebrancy. 
Wendy Kirke (Darwin) - A practicing celebrant for over 30 years

The Heart and Soul of Celebrancy is an excellent publication by a very experienced and professional celebrant. Sally has compiled a book which any practising celebrant, member of the public and intending celebrant should have in their libraries as a reference. Its content covers a wide range of topics for all celebrants, is an easy read and incorporates the wide ranging experience and empathy of a committed professional celebrant. I recommend Sally's book as a must for all those interested in celebrancy as it includes all the professional aspects of being a celebrant and congratulate her on the lively publication.
Barry Densley, Civil Celebrant since 1990
Honorary Life Member of the Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants.

Sally Cant has produced a delightful book on contemporary civil celebrancy based on her very extensive experience in Australia. It is a wonderful 'nuts and bolts' book for those wishing to be celebrants with heartfelt professional excellence! Sally highlights the need for authentic and original ceremonies that reflect the life, values, and meanings of those involved. This is an important book for all those around the world involved in civil celebrancy.
Mary Hancock - Celebrant for over 30 years - The Celebrant School  - New Zealand.