Where can a funeral be held?
A Funeral can be held at any location.
Whilst there are some practicalities that need to be thought through, a funeral ceremony can take place at any location.
All families should be made aware that funerals/memorials can be held in many different locations. Historically funerals were held in churches and more recently they have been held in funeral chapels. However, today a choice of place for a funeral can be somewhere very simple. For example, meeting up with a few friends at home or in a park or some meaningful place can be very cathartic. If you choose an outside venue, there may be local by-laws that have restrictions on coffins and formal gatherings, so best to check on the relevant local laws, permits or conditions, during the planning stage.
Work with the family to determine what is right for them. I like to be authentic to the deceased, so get the family to think about the place that the person might have liked to have had their ceremony.
Ceremony location options
in a restaurant
on the beach
in a public park
on the banks of a river
in a local hall
at a golf course
at a football oval
in a yacht club
at a cemetery
in a home or family garden
many other appropriate places.