Why is there such a diversity of prices charged by celebrants?

There is a huge difference in pricing in any industry. Sometimes you get what you pay for: pay little, get little in return. Unfortunately with a glut of celebrants on the market some decided that the only way to get work was to undercut every other celebrant. This is far from ideal.

Please remember a professional fee represents a professional service. Don’t let price be your only consideration. Over 26 years of experience goes a long way to ensuring your ceremony is fabulous (for all the right reasons). And you can easily check the testimonials from hundreds of my couples to ensure the quality of my service.

By investing in a personalised customised process you will have the best possible marriage ceremony based on your needs and requirements and will be enjoyed by yourselves and every guest. 

On average – I spend at least 20 hours on each wedding and my fee is around $1500. If you want a professional service – you should expect to pay a professional fee.

Of course I am happy to try and work within your budget – so if you are getting married 15 minutes from me – or want to get married close to my location – then I could offer you a discount. Other reasons for discounts are weekdays or off-season, or perhaps 5 people in your back yard…. Talk to me…..

To be considered:

  • experience of the person you are engaging - it does matter

  • style - does the celebrant fit your style

  • what do you actually need/want from your celebrant

  • if there is value for your investment

  • how important is the ceremony to you both

  • does the celebrant include a PA system and an on-site rehearsal in their fee - if not, then one should ask why - because both these items are important.

  • does the celebrant offer to write a one off, bespoke, ceremony for you (if they have a template then its not bespoke)

Please ensure you have done your homework and the person you engage to prepare and conduct your ceremony will be able to deliver to the professional level you require. This is your special day and you want the very best outcome - starting with the ceremony.


How to plan your ceremony